We are located at the Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI), a new science building on the south section of the CCNY campus. CDI is next to the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) building.

Kevin Ryan, Professor

Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry

The City College of New York

CDI Building, Room- 4304

85 Saint Nicholas Terrace

New York, NY 10031

212-650-8132 (office)

212-650-8302 (Lab 4123)

212-650-7583 (Lab 4312)

Mailing Address: **Due to anti-Covid-19 campus procedures, this mailbox for paper mail is not being checked.**

Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry


The City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue

New York, NY 10031

Email: kryan@ccny.cuny.edu